New painting series on Goddess of spirit, power and beauty.
One-of-a-kind, uncommon, rare, singular, individual, special, distinctive, painting that I paint are woman of power.
The White Buffalo Woman, also known as White Buffalo Calf Woman, is believed to be the originator of the seven sacred ceremonies of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota tribes. She is a powerful and wise spirit who gave her people the gift of
the sacred pipe and taught them the ceremonies to be used to honor the Earth and all living things. She is said to have been the first woman to appear on earth and is seen as a symbol of hope, protection, and renewal. The White Buffalo Woman is also seen as a powerful protector of the land, animals, and all of creation. She is said to have the power to control the elements, as well as the ability to heal and bless the land and its inhabitants. She is a figure of strength, courage, and compassion, and is believed to help guide and protect those who are in need of her assistance.
Goddess Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, and passion in ancient Greek mythology.
In ancient Greek mythology, Goddess Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, and passion. She is one of the twelve Olympian gods and goddesses and one of the pantheon's most potent and influential deities. She is the daughter of Zeus and Dione and is the wife of both Hephaestus and Ares. Her symbols include the rose, swan, and dove, depicted as a beautiful, voluptuous woman. In Greek mythology, the goddess Gaia is the primordial goddess of the Earth. She is one of the oldest deities responsible for the world's creation. Her symbols include the Earth, a cornucopia, and a dove. She is the mother of the Titans, the first generation of gods, and the grandmother of the gods and goddesses of the Olympian pantheon.